Friday, September 3, 2010

Quick Update #1

I'm heading out of town in an hour and I haven't packed.

Maisy's second tooth made an appearance yesterday and made her VERY fussy this morning, so I'm nervous about our solo 5-hour journey to my parents' house.

Maisy had a Baby Sprinkles Splish Splash Pool Party Bash on Tuesday (also her 7-month birthday) and it as AWESOME!  Her little buddy came over and splashed around with her.  Maisy played happily in the pool for seriously about an hour, and she probably could have gone longer too.

I waited all summer for that pool to go on clearance at Target, and it was so worth it.

No Friday Faves this week because I feel too rushed, yet compelled to post something.  If you miss it, think of my endorsement of that adorable little pool as this week's issue.

I've been wrapping up summer tutoring this week and I'm hoping that my next wave of clients is just around the corner.  I really enjoyed tutoring, and I'm looking forward to seeing how my ACT test-takers do on the test next Saturday.

My brother Jef (he insists on spelling it with one f) is the latest of my family members to begin a blog.  It's called Toilet Runner, probably because he loves to run, but he can never run too far from a toilet.  Love it.  My sister Jen has a Runner Mom blog now - she is Supermom to four adorable kiddos - and the quotes from her little ones are hilariously spot on.

I really shouldn't let Maisy nap too much longer if I want her to sleep in the car.  Sigh.  I'd better get packing.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Jess, you're funny! I don't feel like a supermom some days! Hope you have a safe trip!